When you have very narrow text, it is not a good idea to use justified text. The ragged2e package is useful here ><\RaggedRight\arraybackslash>m <. >. The Headings are not centered as you have not asked them to, they are just (here) a cell bold text in an m column, which is left aligned by default.
Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 6:51 @daleif could you please add a simple implementation of your answer in code. Thanks Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 6:58Your tabular environment is not guaranteed to fit inside the width of the textblock. (In fact, it's a bit too wide.) I recommend using a tabualarx environment instead. I would also recommend using the line-drawing macros of the booktabs package instead of using \hline .
\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,fleqn,english] \usepackage[margin=30mm] \usepackage \newcolumntype<><\RaggedRight\arraybackslash>X> % for columns 2 thru 5 \newcolumntype<><\Centering\bfseries\arraybackslash>X> % for header cells \newcommand\mc[1]<\multicolumn<1>C@<>>> \hyphenation \begin \begin[h!] \setlength % default value: 6pt \begin l * @<>> \toprule \textbf & \mc & \mc & \mc & \mc \\ \midrule \textbf & Prefers the most direct routes, in order to reduce travel time & Prefers high frequency service with little or no waiting time &Prefers high proximity and access to the infrastructure like stops and stations to their desired origins and destinations. & Desires cheapest fare possible for each trip. \\ \addlinespace \textbf & Prefers to operate indirect routes, in order to maximize patronage. & Will offer service frequencies that will ensure a maximum utilization of resources and least operational cost. & Prefers central locations where more passengers can access the service irrespective of distance to individual origins and destinations. & Desires competitive and profitable fares. \\ \addlinespace \textbf & Prefers a travel time that is in line with the agency’s policy. & Prefers service frequencies that reflects the strategic transit goal of the government. & Prefers infrastructure coverage that satisfies most of the community. & Willing to subsidize fares, in order to make it affordable for users and profitable for operators. \\ \bottomrule \end \caption \label % there's no point in having an overly long \label \end \end